Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just Another Judgement Day by Simon R. Green
This is book number 9 in the Nightside series by Green. I've been following this series since it began and I still enjoy the books. It's an easy read but enjoyable. I like Green's warped imagination especially for coming up with strange characters with creative names. In this particular story, John Taylor, the Nightside's reluctant protector, must face off against the The Walking Man, God's wrath in human form. It seems as if God is tired of the Nightside and has sent his greatest warrior to wipe it off the map. I liked this story. It went fast and never got boring. I enjoyed this series more when there was a continuing story arc (The Lilith Wars). I hope he introduces something like that soon. These one offs are cool but I'm hoping he'll get back to some big stuff.
Skyscrapers of the Midwest by Joshua Cotter
I picked this up at the library. I had never heard of it before but, at first glace, I liked the artwork. I still like the artwork but the stories are, how shall I say this, depressing. That aside, I still enjoyed reading it. The stories revolve around a young cat/boy growing up in the midwest. I've never been moved to tears by a comic but this one came close to doing so. I was also moved to a point of respect for Cotter and the amount of good work (art and story) he has done for this volume. I had never heard of him before but I'll keep my eyes open for stuff from him in the future.
X-Men: First Class-Tomorrow's Brightest by Jeff Parker and Roger Cruz
This graphic novel collects the first 6 volumes of a comic creating new stories about the beginnings of the X-Men. I liked it okay. The art is really good. The stories are so-so.

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