Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Total Dependency of Artists

My friend Matt Tullos put this up on his blog. I'm copying it here so I can contemplate it.

most can never explain how they do what they do. There is no formula. I teach at writer's conferences but i don't believe in them. it is a mysterious process that occurs somewhere between the prefrontal cortex and the motor association cortex. Athletes work out, scholars go to class, but creators are at the mercy of something no one but God understands. like little children at supper, we say grace over it but can take no great credit for it's existence. it's something that causes great emotional tremors from time to time. it causes lack of sleep, lack of time, brief moments of tunneling, frustration on the behalf of spouses, and the inability to focus on other people and things during moments of artistic production. most artist have low self-esteem even though some may appear egocentric. Their low self image is rooted in the principle of muse. They are at the mercy of the muse because they don't know how the muse works. Much like most people don't understand the inside of a CD player and how it produces sound from digets.

i use the term muse even though i don't like it. all good gifts come from God but not everything artists write or say is God breathed- (IE Hollywood)

The constant thought of many artists who are living paycheck to paycheck is what if the thing i do, yet don't understand, stops working. what if i can no longer live off this insane gift. i have no other real marketable skills!

This is the thought of mostly writers and composers. (acting, directing, singing, preaching, and painting are aquired crafts that utilize artistic skills.) I would claim that the mortality rate for writers is much lower. Their brain's treadlife is much shorter.

so the nervous, emotional, artist continues to do what he can't put his finger on. He or she lives in a state of panic or grace totally dependant on God or some infinitely
lesser being to survive

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