Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Seattle Stuff

Yesterday, Sarah and I visited the Seattle Aquarium. It's nice but not as extensive as I had hoped. They are undergoing construction so maybe it will be expanded in the future. It's so difficult to find affordable parking downtown. We finally found a spot for $5. At the aquarium, we did get the treat of seeing someone examine a pregnant shark. She's going to deliver in the next couple of weeks. Sharks stay pregnant for 2 years. Whew! Long time. After the aquarium, we perused the shops in that area. We found a "pirate store" (Arr!) and Ye Olde Curiosity Shop. It should have been called Ye Olde Crappe Shop. It was full of few curiosities but lots of touristy junk. Later, we went to my storage unit and grabbed my big Jesus paintings. I'm donating them to Taproot for their yard sale which is this Saturday. Hope they sell and they get a decent price out of them. Today, it's back to the temp job. Maybe tomorrow as well. Thursday I'm supposed to observe an art class and see about teaching myself.

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