Thursday, June 07, 2007

These Dreams...

I've been having some strange ones lately. Here are two more.
In the dream, there is a cruise ship out at sea. A massive ship, perhaps 3-4 times as large as the cruise ship comes alongside. The large ship is devoid of ship-like qualities. It's best described as a gigantic dark brown or black oval except that the sides are straight. It pulls alongside the smaller ship and a panel opens up on the side. It reaches out, grabs the cruise ship and pulls it into itself. The door shuts with no visible crease and the massive ship is on its way.
Last night, I dreamed that I was with some people or creatures. Somehow we had ticked off a giant dragon and he was going to come after us. We prepared for battle and lined up to face the enemy. As we looked out on the horizon, we could see not one but many dragons coming toward us. I have a glimmer of a memory that we did do battle but it's not clear what happened or what the outcome was.
Sarah says they are classic good vs. evil dreams and that God is trying to tell me something. Julie says to stop eating peanuts before bed because they give you strange dreams. I don't know what to think. I just know that I am having them quite frequently lately and in the past I never remembered my dreams at all. If anything, I guess I should be thankful that I'm not dreaming about leaving home in my underwear or reaching the end of school and not being able to graduate due to not being able to find the class.
Dreams are weird.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I find myself agreeing with Sarah, here Marty.

My first thought with the ship and the dragons is that you're afraid of being "swallowed up" by whatever it is you are battling.

My second thought is that the ship (although ominous-looking) could actually represent how God is so much bigger than you and that He will surround you with His protection if you let Him.

My third thought is that the dreams could be a warning that you need to make sure you're prepared for the battle you are in or you could get "swallowed up".

Dreams fascinate me. I'm glad you're sharing these. Take my comments for what they're worth, but that's what I see in these dreams. I do think they're different than the run-of-the-mill dream.