Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beaches, Blisters and Buses

Late yesterday afternoon, Sarah and I headed over to Golden Gardens for a little walk. I'm having a little problem with my right foot (blisters) so I taped them up and wore socks with my sandals to protect my feet. Sarah hates it when people wear socks with sandals so it's amazing that she agreed to be seen with me.
As we entered the parking lot, I saw a brightly colored bus covered in religious gobbledy-gook. I made some comment about the Partridge Family being in town while my wife, being the smart cookie that she is, parked nearby so I could take pictures. I started to take photos of the bus when all of a sudden this lady appears with a bucket and says, "Would you care to make a photo donation?" I politely said no and left. I should have argued that the gospel is supposed to be free and all that jazz but these folks were clearly loony. One message on the bus said that the Pope has homosexual tendencies. He's a snazzy dresser for sure but I just figured he was metrosexual.
We took our walk and watched the tide come in. There were alot of people out there. When the weather's nice, Seattlites head outdoors. There must have been a regatta happening because there were a lot of sailboats on the water. I'll post some pics later if they turned out.
Sarah and I have talked of taking our dinner out there sometime and we've thought of seeing if the arts group wants to have an outdoor meeting there. Nothing stirs the creative juices like being outdoors in a beautiful setting. I think I will take my sketchbook out there next time. There are some interesting characters in Seattle that would make great subjects for my sketches.
Anyways, if you live near some natural beauty, get out of the house and go enjoy it. Now! What are you waiting for?


LP said...

oh man! i've seen that bus before, but never bothered to read what it said. loony is right!

- laurel

Benjamin Ady said...

Laurel--how excellent to see you here. Do you know the renzntman?

I've totally seen that bus at golden gardens. I'm glad he's out there. It sort of balances out all the asoundingly boring white middle class work 40/hour a week, 50 weeks a year, eat white bread, go to church every sunday, BMI of 22.5, drive hondas people in the city. or something.

reznztnman--kewl blog. I found it through a google search because you linkend to my blog back in october of last year, with reference to a reference I make to csikszentmiahli and "flow" Nice to meet you =)

What Would Jesus Glue? said...

Benjamin, I agree with your analysis. It was cool to see that bus out there. I just wish I could have taken more pics. I guess there are some "boring" folks out at Golden Gardens but I see quite a few interesting folks as well. I've been thinking of camping out with my sketch book someday to see if I can record the flavor of Seattle from a beach perspective.

Laurel and I work together at Taproot Theatre. Nice to meet you too.